When it comes to taking care of a beard and helping it look its best, there’s no such thing as a “facial hair hack” because there are no shortcuts for proper maintenance. 

The secret to having an attractive tuft of facial hair has always been taking good care of it regardless of its length, thickness, or age. Whether you’re growing a Van Dyke, Garibaldi, or Ducktail, getting the best look for your beard will always entail taking extra care of your facial hair and helping it look its best. 

As any fellow with a beard will tell you, there are many sacrifices and proper care that go into achieving a “classic” look that can put even the greatest examples to shame. 

Considering that facial hair requires more care than one could ever expect, and you may not be sure where to focus on when developing your beard care routine. While processes like balming, moisturizing, and combing all play crucial roles in the care routine that you’ll build, there’s one particular task that you should be especially aware of: trimming. 

Why It Pays to Trim Your Beard Regularly

Just like the hair on your head, your beard can run into some major problems the longer it gets. If you’re looking to grow a full beard that will bring tears to any connoisseur’s eyes, then you’ll need to deal with various challenges like split ends, dryness, tangling, and itchiness. And while it may seem like a twice-a-day combing suffices for these common issues, the fact of the matter is that facial hair is much more complicated than that. 

This is where getting a regular beard trim with the help of an expert like Wise Guys Barbershop can step in and make an immense difference. 

To give you a better understanding of why you must stay committed to your regular trimming sessions, here are various ways it can benefit your facial hair: 

Benefit #1: Trimming Can Improve the Look and Shape of Your Beard

Think of your beard like your head of hair: to look its best, it needs to be shaped, groomed, and cared for so that it looks great, and this is why it’s important to get it trimmed regularly.

When you let a professional handle your trimming-related needs, you’re letting someone shave and shape away until your hair looks elegant and stylish. Apart from preventing a shaggy and raggedy look, getting a regular trim makes it easier to remove imperfections like stray hairs! 

Benefit #2: Trimming Can Make Your Beard Look Thicker and Fuller

You can use all the beard oil and balm in the world, but nothing will have your facial hair looking thicker and fuller than a proper trim. Cutting your tuft of manliness into shape, smoothing its surface, and removing stray hairs will go a long way towards making it look much thicker. 

As your beard grows longer, it’s important to have it trimmed and tapered regularly so that you can end up with a healthier and fuller look.

Benefit #3: Trimming Can Keep Your Beard Free of Split Ends, Knots, and Tangles

If there’s anything about having a beard that can make the experience quite annoying, it’s the presence of split ends, knots, and tangles that can be uncomfortable. With the help of a regular trim, you won’t have to worry about these problems any longer because proper maintenance will keep them at bay! 


Growing a beard that looks and feels its best and fullest all-year-round is a labor of love that entails using the proper methods and tools—the most important of which being proper trimming. Through the help of this simple yet effective practice, you’ll be able to turn your facial hair into a free-flowing masterpiece in no time! 

If you’re looking for the best beard trims and haircuts from the top barbers in Denver, Wise Guys Barber Shop has got you covered. Get in touch with us today to schedule an appointment!