While the act of entering a barbershop to get a haircut seems simple enough, there are actually quite a few things to consider to ensure you walk out of the shop with a haircut you are proud of. With that in mind, do you know the various terminologies used by barbers? For instance, do you know what a number 1 is, let alone a number 8? What’s the difference between a taper and a fade?

Don’t fret if any of the above questions left you with more questions than answers. Today, we’re going to teach you various terminology to help you speak with your barber the right way for the perfect haircut:

The Numbers

When we talk about numbers, we’re referring to the numbers you may find on some hairstyles that require you to cut quite short. For instance, the barber might ask if you wanted a number 1 or a number 2. These numbers refer to the length of hair you want left on your head after a cut, where the lower the number, the shorter the hair.

Typically, a number one will leave you with only one-eighth of your hair left, while a number four will leave you with half an inch. If you want to learn more about this, feel free to look at some images or a guide on the numbers to see what numbers result in what kind of hair length.

The Neckline

The neckline is another important concept to get familiar with. This refers to where your hair begins, either with a straight line or with a curve. In some cases, the barber might ask you how you want your neckline. The options you’ll then have to choose from will depend on your neckline preference.

A taper is a neckline that is curved and then cut short. The fade is an example of a neckline that is straight. However, the fade can be cut in different styles. The regular fade starts with a straight line at the top and then fades towards the bottom. For a high fade, the barber will cut the hair length at a high level. In contrast, a low fade cuts the hair length at a low level. Plus, for even more options, you can ask for a bald fade or a diamond fade.

The Taper and the Fade

A taper and a fade are two distinct types of haircuts. As mentioned above, a fade is what you get when you ask the barber to cut a straight line at the top and then fade it towards the bottom. For a taper, the barber will get you to decide on how long you want the hair at the top and then they will taper it down by following a curve.

The Layered and the Thin

The layered haircut is also one of the common haircut styles you’ll see in barbershops. This is a style of hair cut where the barber will cut layers of hair, going either in the same or opposite direction of your hair. The thin, on the other hand, is a haircut style where the barber will reduce the volume of your hair by cutting it short.


As you can see, there are many terms to understand about haircuts that you need to familiarize yourself with to ensure you get the haircut you need. That said, if you still run into terms you do not understand, don’t be afraid to ask the barber about it. They’ll be more than happy to tell you what the term means knowing that with that kind of knowledge in your mind, you and the barber can work better together to ensure that you walk out with a hairstyle you’re proud of.

Wise Guys Barber Shop is a barbershop in Denver designed for men to enjoy the best cuts around. If you are looking to enjoy the best haircuts, schedule an appointment with us today!